SCRIP Program
SCRIP Program
The SCRIP program allows Sacred Heart families to purchase gift cards at face value (i.e., paying a $100 for a $100 gift card) to earn a percentage credit to be applied to next year's tuition. SCRIP offers gift cards to many local and national chain stores. Over the course of a year, many of our families earn a substantial tuition credit by participating in this program. Cards can be obtained online or through the ShopWithSCRIP RaiseRight app.
What is SCRIP?
You purchase physical gift cards or electronic gift cards and earn $$$ towards tuition!
➢ Each purchase earns a rebate – admin fees will be deducted from the final total.
- Every time you purchase a gift card or e-card, the participating retailer contributes a certain percentage back to you.
- For Example, you purchase a Home Depot gift card for $100, the rebate is 4%. You pay $100 and $4 goes toward your tuition.
- E-Card Example: You are out to dinner at the Olive Garden – use your mobile device to purchase an ecard on the spot and that e-card can be displayed immediately to pay!
➢ Gift cards and e-cards are available for many different area restaurants, retail stores and entertainment sites!
Check out all of the retailers and rebates on https://www.raiseright.com
➢ Three ways to Pay:
- PrestoPay – link your bank account on shopwithscrip.com or the RaiseRight mobile app for instant payments and immediate shopping/reloads. There is a $.15 fee per order. **PrestoPay is the preferred method.**
- Check/Cash – send in payments to school on Monday morning for orders placed online. Send in to: Attention: “SCRIP Order/Cathy Kirby” Make check payable to SHTDA.
- Credit Card - link credit card on https://www.raiseright.com or the RaiseRight mobile app. There is a 2.60% fee for each order.
When will I get my physical gift cards?
➢ Physical gift cards placed by 9am Monday morning will be distributed to send home with students by Friday of the same week. Please make sure you have your child’s correct teacher listed in https://www.raiseright.com account so the volunteers can send them home.
➢ Mobile orders for e-cards(cards with bar codes) placed with RaiseRight are available immediately online or at https://www.raiseright.com. Go to the Sacred Heart SCRIP page for more details on signing up!
Please contact the SCRIP Coordinator Colleen Geldmacher with questions at munch1017@hotmail.com.
More ShopWithSCRIP FAQ
Are there restrictions on what can be purchased with the gift cards?
Most retailers’ gift cards are the same as cash; you can buy anything that you would normally buy with cash, check, or credit card. However, some retailers may have restrictions. Always check the restrictions for a particular retailer before purchasing a gift card.
Who can participate?
The SCRIP program is open to anyone in the Sacred Heart Church community, including school families (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.), school association members and parishioners.
What are the options for using SCRIP credit?
There are three options for using SCRIP credit.
- Designate your credit to any participating SCRIP family (your own or another) to use towards their tuition.
- Donate your credit to the General Tuition Assistance Fund, which is used for families needing tuition assistance.
- Donate your credit to the 8th Grade Fund, to help offset costs of 8th grade activities (retreats, trips, etc.).
When are orders for physical gift cards due?
The SCRIP coordinator will publicize the schedule for ordering physical gift cards. On weeks when physical gift cards will be ordered, the orders are due by 9:00am on Monday mornings. Gift cards will be sent home with the child designated on the account on Fridays. Please ensure that your child’s homeroom information is up-to-date in your account. During the summer, the SCRIP coordinator will determine alternate arrangements for picking up physical cards.
I get a rebate on my credit card for purchases. Why should I switch to SCRIP?
Since every credit card and corresponding reward system is different, each family will have to look at the details of their specific program and spending habits to make their decision. Some factors to consider:
- Some credit card rewards are restricted as to when and where they can be used.
- Most credit cards rewards are 5% or below. SCRIP percentages vary from 1% to 20%, including 4% at most grocery stores and 15% at Lands End, SHG’s uniform provider.
When will I receive my SCRIP credits?
The fiscal year for the SCRIP program runs February 1 – January 31. The total rebate earned, minus any administrative fees, will apply toward the school year which starts in September. For example, rebates earned from February 1, 2022– January 31, 2023 would be applied to the 2023-2024 school year which starts in September 2023. If you will not have tuition costs the following school year, please see the earlier section called “What are the options for using SCRIP credit?” for more information.
How will I receive my SCRIP credits?
Families will be notified of their total SCRIP credits in May of each year. SCRIP credits will be applied directly to the FACTS Tuition Management account.
When do gift cards purchased through SCRIP expire?
The gift cards purchased through SCRIP generally do not expire. Always check the restrictions for a particular vendor before purchasing gift cards.
Is there a mobile app available for SCRIP?
Yes, there is a mobile app available. It is call RaiseRight Fundraising and will allow you to buy and reload cards and view those already in your Wallet.