Giving Tuesday is November 29!
Dearest Parents and Caregivers,
My name is John Piet. I’m the new Director of Advancement at the Sacred Heart School. Many of you I have had the pleasure of meeting over the course of the last 8 years. Your children may know me as Mr. John, Mr. Piet, Coach John, Ruby’s Dad or Charlie’s Dad. My wife, Kim, and I have 2 children (Ruby 7th and Charlie 5th) who have been at Sacred Heart since kindergarten.
We started off just being parents and soon knew that we wanted to get involved with the SHG community. I first started with coaching in the soccer clinic program. Kim and I then decided to join the Advancement Fund Committee. Kim has been a homeroom mom almost every year that we have been here. Since the start of Covid, I’ve been volunteering with traffic in the mornings and afternoons. That’s when I began to get to know some of the kids and parents outside of my children’s grades and sports teams. A good friend was a substitute teacher at Sacred Heart last year and at the start of this year told me how low we were on substitutes for our school. I threw around the idea of signing up to be one and eventually did it.
I went into it thinking I’ve coached for years and I love kids so it can’t be that hard, right? It’s definitely been more than I expected but it has also given me a whole new appreciation for the faculty and staff at our school. I can tell you now that I enjoy going in and spending time with the kids, as well as the faculty and staff. I’ve met so many people that I never would have had the chance to meet. Kids say hi to me all the time now when I am at school and that puts a smile on my face. I get to see the great things our kids are doing and all the hard work that the faculty and staff put in to make it all possible.
All of these experiences have made me proud to be a member of the Sacred Heart Community. It also makes me realize how lucky we are to be a part of it. The way that the Sacred Heart community has been there for my family when we were going through difficult times has been amazing. Sacred Heart School of Glyndon isn’t just a place where kids go to school. It’s a community of people wanting what is best for their kids and their families.
We are about to gather with friends and family to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. I am thankful for you, the Sacred Heart School community for giving my family such a great place to learn and grow. I’m thankful that you also chose to send your children to Sacred Heart.
The Tuesday after we return from the Thanksgiving holiday is Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday is a global movement to help build a better world. It’s an important day for our school as this is our biggest fundraiser of the school year. The money we raised last year helped get us new tables for the cafeteria, 3D printers for our classrooms, bottle filling stations and new scientific equipment. I’m asking that you please think of Sacred Heart School on Giving Tuesday and encourage your friends and family to help support our school as well. There are even some employers that will match your donation so please ask your employer if this is something that they do. Any donation will be greatly appreciated and will go toward making our kids time at Sacred Heart better.
I’m excited for this opportunity to help enhance the learning experience for our children. I hope to have some great events that not only raise money for the school, but bring us together as a community. I’ve talked to some parents who expressed interest in being a part of the Advancement Fund Committee. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, JPiet@shgschool.org, if you would like to become a part of the team. I welcome all help and look forward to a great school year!
Thank you,
John Piet
Please help us reach our goal by making a gift today!