Back-to-School Night Update
Back to School Night
Dear Students/Parents/Guardians,
It has been a wonderful experience seeing all the students (444 enrolled) return to school. I see them laugh, smile, and skip to their rooms and throughout the day. I wanted to take the time to explain Back to School Night and what you can expect.
Sadly, the per case per 100,000 is above 15 which mandates a mask. It is my understanding that Back to School Night (BTSN) is always well attended. This places hundreds of adults and children in an inside venue. We do not wish to be the cause of a “Super Spreader” event. To address this concern, we will plan on a virtual BTSN. It is not our first choice as I am sure you would like to meet, see, speak with your child’s teachers. However, I am sure all will understand the need for a virtual venue.
BTSN will be a two-part event. Part I will be held at 7:00 pm on Thursday September 9th. We hope to keep the entire event to about an hour, with brief informational speakers outlined below. We also wish to offer a chance for questions at the end. This meeting will also be recorded and available to families on the website for viewing at a convenient time for you.
Our agenda will be:
- Opening prayer with Fr. Jerry
- Administrative updates from Mr. Keeley, Mrs. Belz and Mrs. Noll
- Health Information from Nurse Julie
- Information from Mr. Baummer, President of the Home & School Association
- Information from Mrs. Kathleen Russo-Garcia, SHG School Counselor
- Meet the faculty & staff video
Part II of BTSN: we are asking the teachers to create a virtual tour of their classroom for you to see such things as where students hang coats, desks, decorations, and overall view of the classrooms. The teachers will also present in their video either by recording themselves or presenting a Google Slides presentation on expectations and procedures. This will change for each grade or subject area. These videos/presentations will be linked to you for you to review on SeeSaw or Google Classroom. For specific questions we ask that you contact the teacher directly. This will be available on Friday September 17th after 12:00 noon.
We understand your disappointment as we are attempting to keep our school safe and open. We hope to invite families into our building once the numbers have reached a more comfortable and healthy level.
I thank you for your assistance and understanding in this pandemic. We pray that God will keep us all safe. God’s Blessings to you and your loved ones.
John W. Keeley
Smile, Share, Make Good Decisions!