Adopt-A-Family Event - Links Added
Sacred Heart’s Annual Adopt a Family Event
This year, in particular, there is an overwhelming need for your generosity. In conjunction with our sister parish, St. Ann’s in Baltimore City, our school has adopted 8 families. Our hope is that we can take the burden of purchasing Christmas presents from these families and provide them with all the items they need. In the words of St. Francis “For it is in giving that we receive.”
Grades 1-8 will be matched with a family. Preschool and Kindergarten will be asked to donate unwrapped toiletries. We will email a link with sign up info to each Sacred Heart family. Additionally, sign up links will be posted on the school website. Participation is completely voluntary and no account is required to use the Sign-Up Genius website.
A few important guidelines:
● If you choose to participate, please select any gift(s) from the wish list that you plan to purchase and sign up for that gift via Sign-Up Genius
● Please WRAP the gift. Please LABEL the gift with the FIRST AND LAST NAME of the gift recipient, your child’s homeroom, and what the gift is. Please provide all this info on a POST-IT note (securely attached) to the gift.
● Labeling the gifts is extremely important. We strive to ensure that presents are equal among family members and that essential items such as coats have been purchased.
Wrapped and Labeled gifts should be delivered to homerooms by DECEMBER 14th.
Links by Grade
Pre K & Kindergarten
First Gradehttps://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0B45A8AB23A3FF2-escato
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
***Volunteers are needed for organizing and for delivery to St. Ann’s on December 15th***
For any questions, please contact Anna Trice at anna.trice1@gmail.com or Mary Klein at