School Board
The Sacred Heart School Board is committed to ensuring the success of our mission in all things we do: academic excellence, faith formation, and service to others… giving witness to the message of Jesus Christ.
The Board is charged with the governance and fiduciary leadership of our community and is deeply committed to the long-term development and growth of The Sacred Heart School of Glyndon. Board members volunteer for a three-year term which is renewable once. Our school is blessed with leaders from a mixture of backgrounds: other schools, parents of current students, the business community, clergy, and the medical community, to name a few. This gives the Board a diverse and robust perspective when considering how best to govern the school.
The School Board meets the second Tuesday of every other month (September - June) at 7pm. The approved minutes of these meetings are available in the school office for parent/guardian perusal. If you would like to address the School Board at a meeting, please contact the chairperson for procedures.
The School Board has a mailbox located in the Parish Center.
School Board Members for 2022-2023
Executive Board Members
Fr. Gerard Francik | Pastor |
Joseph Wrzesien | Chairperson |
Richard Hunt | Secretary |
School Board - Voting Members
Paul Gallagher | Standing Member |
Jim Hunter | Standing Member |
Gloria Olivares | Standing Member |
Gerry Romero |
Non-voting Board Member
Mr. John W. Keeley | Principal, Ex Officio |
Mrs. Amy Belz | Assistant Principal, Ex Officio |
Mrs. Lauren Noll | Assistant Principal, Middle School, Ex Officio |
In April 1989, Archbishop William D. Borders promulgated directives, which would ensure the quality and financial stability of Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. These directives emerged from the Archbishop’s vision concerning the matter by which the Church of Baltimore would commit itself to Catholic education in the 21st century. This vision was based on the collective wisdom of people throughout the Archdiocese, obtained through a five-year collegial process involving extensive consultation. The document, Catholic School at a Turning Point: a Time for Decision, expressed the future direction of Catholic schools.
Archbishop Borders, while accepting the ultimate responsibility that an Archbishop has for Catholic schools, sought to share the governance of the Catholic schools with the local church, i.e., parish. Consequently, the pastor is entrusted with the responsibility of the parish school and shares this responsibility with those who are most competent to govern the local school.
(This identifies the principle of subsidiary - i.e., encouraging initiative at the level closest to the people – which was defined in the revised code of Canon law.)
An integral aspect of the aforementioned study was the move toward the formation of inter-parish schools. An inter parish school (like Sacred Heart) is one which sponsored by two or more parishes. Every parish in the Archdiocese is to be affiliated with a Catholic elementary school: Sacred Heart is affiliated with Sacred Heart Parish and Saint Charles Borromeo Parish, Pikesville. These affiliations were identified in plans submitted to the respective Vicar Bishop during the study phase of Catholic schools.
Sponsoring parishes have certain governance and fiscal responsibilities towards the school with which they are affiliated. The relationship between the sponsoring parish and the school is outlined in documents which establish the inter parish school as a separate corporation (Articles of Incorporation and By-laws) and in an Agreement between the school and the sponsoring parishes.
A school will remain a parish school if (a) its sponsoring parish is able to maintain the level of support for the school necessary to ensure the continuation of a quality education and (b) there is no other parish to sponsor the school. In this model of governance, the school is part of the parish corporation and, therefore, interacts with other groups, which are a part of the parish corporation and the parish corporators. The pastor is, in effect, the head of the parish corporation.
While technically parish boards are advisory to the pastor in nature, they function and deliberate in essentially the same way as policy-making boards of incorporated schools. Accordingly, the provisions of this manual are generally applicable to both types of school boards. It is understood that the authority to perform the duties of the parish school is subject to the ultimate canonical rights and duties of the pastor of the parish school.
The Division of Catholic Schools realizes the importance of the school boards in carrying out the four-fold mission of the Catholic Church to proclaim the Gospel message, foster the experience of community, celebrate worship and motivate participation in service. According to its Articles of Incorporation, the Sacred Heart School Board is formed for religious and educational purposes as follows:
- To establish and maintain an educational institution and program in accordance with and subject to the standards, guidelines, and discipline of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore.
- To develop and maintain, in cooperation with the Pastors, Principal and Faculty, Parents and Parishioners, a Catholic educational experience of superior quality and value.
- To formulate the philosophy of the School within the framework of Catholic educational aims, recognizing that the primary responsibility for a child’s education rests with parents, and that the School is a complement to, and not a substitute for, the religious formation that must take place in the family.
Sacred Heart School Strategic Plan
The Sacred Heart School of Glyndon 2018-2022 strategic plan is the fruit of a great deal of collaboration of all of our community members: students, parents, faculty and staff, Board members, alumni, parishioners, parents of alumni, and other stakeholders as well.
We are all proud of the incredible work that went into this document and how this sets our vision for the next three years and beyond, a vision that ensures the vitality and strength of our mission.
We encourage you to read more about the process we used to shape this plan in the welcome letter within the strategic plan itself, and we, of course, hope you will review the plan in its entirety. We look forward to many good things ahead for our community and praise God for His guidance and providence.